L4S publications
Link4Skills is producing a range of publications for different audiences. These include country profiles, a handbook on good practices, and a working policy brief. We also have books in the pipeline, including a “Fair Skills Flow Manifesto”. Subscribe to our Newsletter to stay informed of our latest outputs.
L4S Navigator Prototype Report
This report presents a low-resolution prototype (mockup) of the Link4Skills Navigator. It’s essentially a status report on development of the Navigator as of November 2024.  It describes the Navigator’s key functionalities and explains the ongoing development process. A functional prototype of the Navigator is due for release at the end of 2025.
L4S Migration Decisions Report
Published in December 2024, this report is based on reanalysis of data from the EUMAGINE and THEMIS research projects which, like Link4Skills, explored migration patterns between Europe and selected non-EU countries. The report concludes that migration is a complex process shaped by economic, social, cultural, and institutional factors. It underscores the need for innovative, context-sensitive migration policies that account for the diverse drivers behind migration flows.
Our L4S Newsletter keeps you up-to-date on the latest developments in our project.
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In this issue:
L4S introductory video | Link4Skills Navigator | Country profiles | Synergies | Meet our partners | L4S-IMSCOE panel | Kick-off | In the pipeline …
Country Profiles
Our Country Profiles provide relevant information about places where Link4Skills is conducting empirical fieldwork on transnational labour migration with a focus on migration skill corridors. Countries investigated include Austria, Canada, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, the Netherlands, Nigeria, the Philippines, Poland and Ukraine. New profiles are being added as they become available.
Concept notes
Policy brief
Link4Skills is producing a policy brief that will be updated periodically and finalised when the project is nearing completion. The initial version will be published here in January or February of  2025.
Stay tuned!
Survey results
To better understand the experiences of people who migrate for employment to various destination countries, we are conducting surveys with them. We are reaching out specifically to medium- and high-skilled migrants (i.e., those who obtained post-secondary education) from non-European countries living in Austria, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands or Poland. The sectors we are focusing on are STEM, health and construction. The results of the survey will help inform public and private initiatives to facilitate moving internationally.
Stay tuned!
This colourful flyer describes our project in a nutshell. It outlines our purpose, geographical scope, and innovational focus. A pdf document, it is designed for printing on A4, A5, or A3 paper.